Best Practice


Table of Contents

1. Website

2. Name of Journal

3. Peer Review Process

4. Ownership and Management

5. Governing Body

6. Editorial Team and Contact Information

7. Copyright and Licensing

8. Author Fees

9. Process for Identification of and Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct

10. Research & Publication Ethics

11. Publishing Schedule

12. Access

13. Archiving

14. Revenue Sources

15. Advertising

16. Direct Marketing


1. Website

The official website of Journal of Korea Water Resources Association is


Aims and Scope

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association aims to provide a platform for the dissemination of research and engineering applications related to water resources, hydrology and hydraulics. The scope of the journal encompasses, but not limited to the following.


  1. Planning and design of water resource systems
  2. Physical, chemical, biogeochemical, stochastic and systems aspects of surface and groundwater hydrology
  3. Hydraulics and eco-hydraulics
  4. Coastal and ocean engineering
  5. Integration of hydrology and hydraulics
  6. Water relevant topics incorporating the insights and methodologies of disciplines such as climatology, ecology, geomorphology, soil science, instrumentation and remote sensing, data and information sciences
  7. Engineering of water supply and sewerage
  8. Socio-political and economic aspects of water resources management


Its publication types include original scientific and technical papers, reviews, short communications, and discussions.



The Journal of Korea Water Resources Association is an open access journal publishing at the  ISSN (pISSN 2799-8746, eISSN 2799-8754) and DOI. It is indexed in CrossRef metadata, Korea Citation Index, and Google Scholar., and is easily available to wide international researchers. Each article provides excellent research and engineering applications related to water resources, hydrology and hydraulics.


Author Ethics


2. Name of Journal

The official journal title is of Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, abbreviated as J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc.


3. Peer Review Process

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association reviews all manuscripts received. A manuscript is first reviewed for its format and adherence to the aims and scope of the journal. If the manuscript meets these two criteria, it is checked for plagiarism or duplicate publication with Similarity Check.


After confirming its result, it is dispatched to three investigators in the field with relevant knowledge. Assuming the manuscript is sent to reviewers, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association waits to receive opinions from at least two reviewers. In addition, if deemed necessary, a review of statistics may be requested. The authors’ names and affiliations are removed during peer review (double-blind peer review). The acceptance criteria for all papers are based on the quality and originality of the research and its scientific significance. Acceptance of the manuscript is decided based on the critiques and recommended decision of the reviewers. An initial decision will normally be made within 4 weeks of receipt of a manuscript, and the reviewers’ comments are sent to the corresponding author by e-mail. The corresponding author must indicate the alterations that have been made in response to the reviewers’ comments item by item. Failure to resubmit the revised manuscript within 4 weeks of the editorial decision is regarded as a withdrawal. If further revision period is required, author should contact editorial office through email available from: A final decision on acceptance/rejection for publication is forwarded to the corresponding author from the editor.


4. Ownership and Management

This journal is owned by the publisher, the Korea Water Resources Association (


5. Governing Body

The governing body is the journal’s editorial board.


6. Editorial Team and Contact Information



Chung, Il-Moon


Assistant Manager

Park, Yong Pyo


Editorial Office

#302 Han-Shin Living Tower

237 Hyoryeong-ro


Seoul 06671




Tel:  +82-2-561-2732

Fax: +82-2-561-2733


7. Copyright and Licensing

Copyright policy

All published papers will become the permanent property of the Korean Society of Cardiology and must not be published elsewhere without written permission from the Society. A copyright transfer agreement form should be submitted electronically on the submission website. This form is identical to the Creative Commons (Attribution-Noncommercial) at:


Licensing policy

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association is an open-access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited for non-commercial purposes.


Deposit policy

According to the deposit (self-archiving) policy of Sherpa/Romeo (, authors cannot archive a pre-print, but they can archive a post-print (i.e. final draft after publication). Authors can archive the publisher's version/PDF.


8. Author Fees


9. Process for Identification of and Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct

When the journal faces suspected cases of research and publication misconduct such as redundant (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, fraudulent or fabricated data, changes in authorship, an undisclosed conflict of interest, ethical problems with a submitted manuscript, a reviewer who has appropriated an author’s idea or data, complaints against editors, and so on, the resolution process will follow the flowchart provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics ( The discussion and decision on the suspected cases are carried out by the Editorial Board.


10. Research & Publication Ethics


11. Publishing Schedule

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association is published monthly in


12. Access

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association is an open access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. JKWRA allows open access to all published articles. A free fulltext in both PDF and XML format is avaliable at Subscription Information: Neither registration nor subscription is required to access the electronic version of articles published in Journal of Korea Water Resources Association.


13. Archiving

It is accessible without barrier from Korea Citation Index ( or National Library of Korea ( in the event a journal is no longer published.


14. Revenue Sources

Revenue sources of journal were from the support of publisher (the Korea Water Resources Association) and Korea Government’s support.


15. Advertising

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association does not accept advertisements.


16. Direct Marketing

Full-text PDF files are also available at the official website ( To order a subscription to Journal of Korea Water Resources Association (printed), please contact our editorial office. The Korea Water Resources Association will send the journal to member institutions freely and to member individuals with the annual subscription fee of 50,000 Korean Won.